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Recommended Reads:
Bangladesh and the Poetry of Liberation
It is often said that a people's or community’s values are reflected within their literature, and Bengalis—historically noted to be rebellious and revolutionary in the face of subjugation by imperial powers—are no different. Bengali poetry holds rich associations with themes of resistance and liberation related to their plights during a given period, such as the Bengal famine of 1943, the struggle against British rule, the Language Movement of Bangladesh, and the ‘71 Bangladesh Genocide and succeeding Liberation War. To fully grasp Bengali poetry however, it is important to take a look at some of the aforementioned key events within the past century that have shaped Bengali poetry, especially in the context of an era where resistance worldwide is becoming more paid attention to by the mainstream and perhaps, through analysis of Bengali poetry and parallels with the suppression of other poets from the Global South (e.g. those of Palestine), one may take a look at how poetry can be used for revolutionary and liberation work in a larger context.