Listen now (125 mins) | Asha Puthli is a living legend. A musical pioneer, fashion icon, Studio 54 star, feminist, actor, environmentalist, and friends with everyone from Andy Warhol to Mikhail Gorbachev. She is cited by the New York Times as having been an inspiration to Donna Summer and Giorgio Moroder. As an actor she's worked with greats that include Merchant Ivory, Louise Malle, and the Italian Director Bruno Corbucci. And she continues to stay as relevant as ever. A remix of her immensely influential 1975 track Space Talk was recently released on the music label
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EP 60: Asha Puthli
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Listen now (125 mins) | Asha Puthli is a living legend. A musical pioneer, fashion icon, Studio 54 star, feminist, actor, environmentalist, and friends with everyone from Andy Warhol to Mikhail Gorbachev. She is cited by the New York Times as having been an inspiration to Donna Summer and Giorgio Moroder. As an actor she's worked with greats that include Merchant Ivory, Louise Malle, and the Italian Director Bruno Corbucci. And she continues to stay as relevant as ever. A remix of her immensely influential 1975 track Space Talk was recently released on the music label